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Our hope is that you will explore how wonderful gardening can be, no matter where you are in your gardening journey.


How does the Seed Library work?


Our seed library is available in the front lobby all year round. We encourage our patrons to take as many seed packets as they need. We follow the honor system, so no need to check in with a staff member unless you have questions. You are not required to return seeds, but we do welcome most varieties of harvested seeds to share again with our community.


Can I donate seeds?


Yes! We welcome your donated seeds. Please fill out the donation form and turn it into the front desk staff with your donated seeds.


What seeds do you have?


Drawer 1: Lettuces

Drawer 2: Herbs

Drawer 3: Legumes

Drawer 4: Root Vegetables

Drawer 5: Gourds

Drawer 6: Nightshades

Drawer 7: Cruciferous Vegetables

Drawer 8: Fruit

Drawer 9: Flowers

Drawer 10: Wild Flowers

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